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Current Projects

Writing beyond the Silence - Promoting autobiographical writing competences to help survivors of gender violence (DAPHNE III Project No.: JUST/2012/DAP/AG/3448)
Since February 2013, the European Anti-Violence Network participates as partner to the Project entitled:Writing beyond the Silence - Promoting autobiographical writing competences to help survivors of gender violence” (with financial support from the DAPHNE III Programme of the European Union). 
The coordinator of the project is Libera Università dell Autobiografia (Italy), and partner organizations are Provincia di Roma - Istituzione Solidea" (Italy), Coolabora CRL (Portugal) and European Anti-Violence Network (Greece). In addition, associate partners are University of Beira (Portugal) and the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (Greece).

For more information please visit the website of the project http://writingbeyond.eu/.   

European Commission
Directorate General Justice
With financial support from the
DAPHNE III Programme of the European Union


Completed Projects

The European Anti-Violence Network participated as a partner in the project entitled ‘Youth4Youth: Empowering Young People in Preventing Gender-based Violence through Peer Education’, funded by the DAPHNE III program of the European Commission. The project was carried out from February 2011 until March 2013, and was coordinated by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (Cyprus). It was implemented in partnership with Casa Delle Donne per Non Subire Violenza (Italy), the Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities-University of Barcelona (Spain), the European Anti-Violence Network (Greece) and Women’s Issues Information Centre (Lithuania).

The project’s main aim was to contribute to the prevention and combating of gender-based violence among adolescents by providing them with a safe space to reveal their attitudes towards violence, to reassess their tolerance towards it, and empower them to become actively involved in developing an environment free from violence for themselves as well as for their peers. The project was implemented using a gender equality and rights based approach.

Project Objectives

  • Investigate and explore young people’s attitudes towards gender-based violence  and the links between gender stereotypes and gender-based violence
  • To expose and challenge attitudes of tolerance towards gender-based violence among young people
  • Empower young people to resist gender-based violence and develop attitudes of self-respect and self-value
  • Further develop and promote the ‘peer education’ methodology to preventing gender-based violence among youth as  well as promote their active involvement in developing a safe and protective environment for themselves and their peers
  • Promote the development of critical thinking among young people towards important actors of youth gender socialisation, particularly electronic and other media
  • To provide educators in formal and non-formal education with information and tools for working with young people in the prevention of gender-based violence
  • To promote the role of schools and other formal and non-formal education centers in the prevention of gender-based violence  among young people and in the promotion of relationships based on tolerance, respect and equality
  • To contribute to policy development on the prevention of gender-based violence in educational contexts on a national and EU level;


  • A research study to investigate and explore young people’s attitudes towards gender-based violence in the partner countries using quantitative and qualitative methods; The preparation of country reports based on the research carried out in the partner countries. The final country research reports are available here: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Spain.
  • Press conferences in all the partner countries to disseminate the results of the research;
  • The organization of teacher training workshops in all partner countries to introduce the basic concepts relating to gender-based violence and peer education and actively engage teachersin the project activities;
  • A series of training workshops with adolescents in secondary education schools using the ‘peer education’ methodology on gender-based violence and gender roles and stereotypes. Full reports on the implementation of the Youth4Youth programme in the partner countries are available here: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Spain.
  • The organization of student exhibitions in each partner country to celebrate the participation of students in the training workshops and to promote their own views on combating gender-based violence;
  • The publication of an awareness-raising booklet with information aimed at preventing gender-based violence among young people that will be disseminated among all relevant stakeholders including NGOs, youth centers, secondary schools, Ministries of Education, teachers unions, among others. The booklet is also now available in English, Greek (GR), Greek (CY), Italian, Lithuanian, and Spanish.
  • The publication of a training manual for education practitioners in formal and non-formal education that will include the methodology and exercises developed and implemented during the project. The manual is also now available in English, Greek (GR), Greek (CY), Italian, Lithuanian, and Spanish.
  • The organization of a final seminar and workshop on gender-based violence among adolescents in each partner country whereby the results of the project will be disseminated to all relevant stakeholders.

See the project's leaflets that are available in Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Greek, English, and Lithuanian.

DAPHNE III Project: GEAR against IPV
The European Anti-Violence coordinated the DAPHNE III Project entitled: "Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence" [JLS/2008/DAP3/AG/1258]. The "GEAR against IPV" project's duration was December 2009-2011. It was funded by the European Commission (80%) and partner organizations (20%). Partner organizations were:
Associate partner of the project was CESI - the Center for Education, Counselling and Research and External Evaluator of the project was Professor Carol Hagemann - White
The Gender Equality Awareness Raising against IPV project intends to contribute to primary prevention of Intimate Partner Violence through a school-based intervention aiming to raise awareness and deconstruct gender stereotypes held by both high school students and teachers. 
As teachers, like the rest of society have their own perceptions of gender roles, they were also trained on issues of gender stereotyping and IPV and provided with appropriate skills to enable them to operate as multipliers via raising students' awareness. 

The project's publications are now available on the project's website: www.gear-ipv.eu.

  For more information please contact:

European Anti-Violence Network

E-mail: info@antiviolence-net.eu

Website: www.gear-ipv.eu



The European Anti-Violence Network participated since December 2008 until March 2010 in the DAPHNE ΙΙΙ Project entitled "PERSPECTIVE: Peer Education Routes for School Pupils to Enhance Conciousness of Tackling and Impeding Women Violence in Europe" (co-funded by the European Commission). The projetct was implemented in 5 European Countries (Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy and Cyprus) and aimed to sensitize adolescents on the issue of gender based violence and promote healthy relationships among them targeting to the development of attitudes and behaviours of zero tolerance to violence. Τhe project was implemented in Greece to two Lyceums and trained 50 peer educators who in turn sensitized over 100 students. Furthermore, in 2010 was implementated the information and sensitization campaign through television and radio spots and other materials (e.g. posters, gadgets) which were developed based on the messages that derived from the student's work at schools in all 5 European Countries that participated in the project.

Radio Spot (GR)

TV Spot (ENGR)  


Sample of Notebook

(...for more information about the project and it's outputs,
visit the project's website: www.perspective-daphne.eu)




 DAPHNE III Project: Raising a Child through Prison Bars
European Anti-Violence Network participated as partner in the DAPHNE III Project entitled "Raising a Child through Prison Bars" [JLS/2008/DAP3/AG/1260], that was implemented in a 26-month period, from December 2009 through February 2012, in Bulgaria, Greece and Romania with co-funding from the Daphne III Programme (2007-2013) of the European Commission - DG Justice, Freedom & Security (80%) and the partner organizations (20%). Project Coordinator was the Ιnstitute of Child Health, Department of Mental Health and Social Welfare, Centre for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Theaims of this project were: i) to support female prisoners, who are also mothers (IM -imprisoned mothers), to accomplish their parental role in an as effective as possible way and to recognize their own experiences of abuse [either Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) or Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN)] in order to start handling them, and ii) to prevent and combat CAN as well as to provide support to children of imprisoned parents in order to both disrupt the cycle of violence and enhance children’s resilience. These aims were accomplished through responding to the needs of three target groups: 1) imprisoned mothers (IM), 2) children of imprisoned parents (CHIP) and 3) personnel of the women’s prisons.

More specifically the interventions were designed in order:

  • to target imprisoned mothers were the “Imprisoned Mothers’ Support Groups” (IM-SG), the Family Ties Building Activities or “Special Day” in prison and the development of a Leaflet with useful information for each mother upon entering prison
  • to target imprisoned mothers’/fathers’ children where the “Children’s Support Groups” (CHIP-SG) and the development of a Leaflet with useful information for each child whose mother is in prison
  • to target both scientific and operational staff of women prisons were the Training for professionals and the Sensitization course respectively, as well as the development of supportive material, namely the Raising a Child through Prison Bars series of Manuals.

European Anti-Violence Network was mostly responsible for carrying out Support Groups for Children of Imprisoned Parents aiming to empower children to explore difficulties that they may encounter in their daily life, to “discuss” sensitive issues like imprisonment through theater games and, possibly, to discover methods on how to deal with any conflicts (both internal and external) that they may encounter in their everyday lives. The rationale for opting drama techniques was that they offer a safe environment for children to explore through roles any issue –no matter how sensitive or painful is- without exposing their personal experiences.

Read the project's publications below and on the project's website: www.mothers-in-prison.eu

  1. Raising a Child through Prison Bars: A Manual for Professionals. Available in EnglishBulgarianGreekHungarian, and Romanian 
  2. Step-by-Step Guide for Facilitating a Mothers’ Support Group in Prison. Available in EnglishBulgarianGreekHungarian, and Romanian
  3. Step-by-Step Guide for Facilitating a Children’s Support Group. Available in EnglishBulgarianGreekHungarian, and Romanian
  4. Leaflet for imprisoned mothers. Available in EnglishBulgarianGreekHungarian, and Romanian
  5. Leaflet for children of imprisoned parents. Available in EnglishBulgarianGreekHungarian, and Romanian

Other Outputs
  1. Final Report
  2. Consolidated Reports for each country containing:


DAPHNE III Project: JoinTheNet IV - All Over Europe

The European Anti-Violence Network was partner in the DAPHNE III Project entitled: JoinTheNet(IV): All Over Europe - Dissemination of material for education and training on health symptoms caused by violence (PTSD) [JLS/2007/DAP-1/059]. The Coordinator of the project was the NGO Therapeutische Frauenberatung e.V. in Germany.


Goals of the Project were:
  • Sensitization of Professionals on trauma,         
  • Improving knowledge about PTSD
  • Creating an European "PTSD" Network, closely linked to European organizations which aim to combat violence against women, and collaborating intensively with WAVE (...more information).


Other Activities

  • The European Anti-Violence Network participated in the 11th WAVE (Women against Violence Europe) Conference, in Vienna from 24-26 September 2009, entitled: "Stop Violence against Women and Children". [EAVN is the National Focal Point of WAVE Network]. (...more information about the Conference).
  • Presentations at the Educational Workshop for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers, entitled: "Violence in the Family: Intimate Partner Violence and its Effect on Children", "Child Maltreatment". Department of  Elementary and Secondary Health Education N. Evia, with the cooperation of the Center for Prevention of Drug Abuse Ν. Evia, Halkida, December 2006 (...more)
  • Advancement of Health and the Quality of Life in the Future: Training and Health Education for the Control and Prevention of Child Maltreatment. Department of Family Relations, Institute of Child Health, Athens, 2007
  • Informational Training on Early Childhood Education on the issue of Violence in the Family and Child Maltreatment. World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP), Organization Mondiale Pour L’Education Prescolare Crete Branch, Rethymno-Heraklio, March 2007 (...more)
  • Informational Seminar and Training in Psychological Issues. Prosarmogi-Interdisciplinary Agency for Psychological Intervention (...more)


European Anti-Violence Network’s Scientific Collaborations

3rd Pan Hellenic Interdisciplinary Congress on Confronting Sexual Abuse: «The Cycle of Abuse and Psychological Trauma: Current Possibilities for Screening, Confronting and Prevention »


16-18 March 2007

...and your news


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